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Top 5 Business Books All Real Estate Agents Should Read & WHY!

Hello, Queens!

Today I'm sharing the Top 5 Business Books that I believe all real estate agents should read and why.

My goal is to read one book per week, and admittedly sometimes this becomes one per every other week. 98% of the books I read are non-fiction, business related, mindset related, and always geared towards personal growth. I tell you this because I have gone through all the books, so you don't have to. ;) I have boiled it down to 5 books that are the MVP's!

Also, as a Realtor, I'm sure you have heard all of the recommendations about the MREA book (Millionaire Real Estate Agent) and Rich Dad, Poor Dad, etc. Yes, those are great books for real estate agents to read! Read them if you haven't. However, I wanted to go deeper than that!

So, these top 5 are not 100% real estate based (okay, one is..). They are business based and as you read them, you will see how you can apply them to your business. These are the books that shifted my business, thinking and the WAY I do business the most.

1. The Four-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris

Out of ALL of these books, this will always reign as my favorite business book! I read this book when I was brand new in real estate, and still in college.Thanks to this book, I never gave up working for a lifestyle of FREEDOM. While so many agents (including my team lead/boss at the time) told me that I couldn't live a life of travel, freedom and flexibility - this book kept me motivated and inspired. 

The Four Hour Work Week will teach you to think outside of the box -- and completely changed how you view your time and money. 

2. 7L: The Seven Levels of Communication by Michael Maher

Here is the real estate specific book out of the list! This book takes you into the life of a struggling agent that shifts their business to create a thriving business. While reading 7L, you will pick up SO many strategies and tips to implement right away in your business. More than any other real estate book, this one helped me the most with my strategy, so I know you'll love it!

3. The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

If you're looking for a book that is JAM PACKED with info, inspiration and motivation - this has to be on your list! This book will help you in ALL areas of your life, not just business. Whether you need to massively grow your business or you need confidence in starting, this is such a good read. It's time to start THINKING BIG!


4. Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

You know I'm all about the PROFIT! If managing your money as Realtor is an issue you deal with, this book can help you! You'll learn what accounts to open, how to track, how to manage your money, etc. While some money managing books can be dull, this one will keep you engaged and educated.


5. The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster by Darren Hardy

Whether you are just starting your journey as an entrepreneur or you need the motivation to continue the journey, this book will inspire you. Darren Hardy's story is high energy, entertaining and informative. Darren even talks about his time as a top producing real estate agent - so you'll even get some nuggets specific to real estate! 


Which book will you get first?! Tag me on instagram @CommissionQueen if you start reading one of these, and let me know what you think!


What's your favorite business read?


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