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Five Things I Learned From My First $50k Month

It’s been a year since I hit my first $50k month and oh what a journey it has been! I am all in for women empowerment and wanting for all of us to experience this too so here I am sharing the five things I have learned since then!

  • Making money can be easy if you let it. You get to choose.⁣

The sentence "Making money can be easy if you let it" used to bug me too. I mean, how EASY can it really be?! So I know where you're coming from and you might be shaking your head if you think this is impossible.

Don't forget about the second sentence I added there: You get to choose. You get to choose if you're letting making money too difficult for you. Or if you want it as easy as possible.

Easy doesn't mean that you won't get problems. It just means you will surpass those problems with this winning mindset.

  • Making money does not have to be gradual. Be open and expectant to quantum leaps in your income.⁣

If you limit what you're receiving, then there really will be a limit to it. If you think you deserve quantum leaps in your income, it truly is possible for you. Be open to what you are receiving. Let the Universe surprise you.

  • The more fun you have, the more money you make.⁣

Don't forget, the focus is to feel good. When you feel good, your partner feels good, your family feels good, your friends feel good, your clients feel good and so on. Stop letting every tiny bit of problem you run into stop you.

Like I said earlier, problems and challenges won't go away. Hey, they keep life interesting that way. Focus on feeling good and having fun and not letting every distraction stop you.

  • Working with only ideal clients is a MUST to keep your energy high and your love for your work strong.⁣

You don't need to work with clients who drain your energy. Define the type of clients you want to work with and don't forget to set some healthy boundaries too. Your ideal clients are out there waiting for you. Trust me.

  • It's more about your mindset than it is about the money.

Making $50k months doesn't feel that different from $10k or $20k months, it's about tapping into the same energy - just more expansive.⁣

This is all possible for YOU too!

If you’re desiring this, desiring more from your business and life πŸ‘‰ join the long term group program: Abundant Agent: The Money Vibes Program 



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